Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Starting our Group

Keepers at Home
As it states in the handbook: Our daughters are only with us a few short years, and in these years, they have so much to learn about Jesus, about being a Christian woman, and about being prepared to be a wife, manage a home, and rear their own future children. In this group, the girls will have fun learning new skills while building character and good habits. Being a "keeper at home" is a very worthwhile job and an enjoyable one too. Do not let the list of skills intimidate you. If you do not know some of them, learn them along with your daughter(s)!
Thank you to the moms that expressed an interest in starting a group. My girls & I are excited! This is OUR group. There are no set ways to run one; we can change things to suit our needs and desires. . Keepers At Home is a program oriented for girls 6+ years old and their mothers. It was created as an alternative to secular scouting groups. Keepers encourages biblical family values while developing a diversity of skills for feminine Christian womanhood. The meeting begins with a devotional and group building activities. Mothers then take turns leading activities including creative skills, homemaking skills, nature study, sports and other activities. Mothers and their daughters work side by side to teach and learn new skills.
Each girl needs her own handbook where the skills being worked on can be recorded and checked off as your daughter(s) complete them.  Most badges will have a fee associated with them.  When at all possible, the dollar amount for each badge will be announced about a week prior to our meeting.  We will have two awards meetings, one in January and a larger, banquet meeting in May, where badges will be handed out for work accomplished by the girls.  For our banquet meeting in May, the girls will be encouraged to bring their work to show to everyone.  You are encouraged to bring family and friends along.  Keep track of your girls badge work in their books and on the worksheet you all received at the first meeting.
Although it is not a requirement for being part of our group, Mom participation is encouraged!  Look through the list of skills and let me know if there is something that strikes your interest. 

The list of skills & activities is extensive. Check out all the fun things we can do!
Creative Skills 27
Basketweaving 29
Calligraphy 33
Candlemaking 36
Candlewicking .43
Ceramics 47
Counted Cross Stitch .49
Crewel Embroidery 53
Crochet 56
Decoupage 58
Dollmaking 60
Drawing 63
Embossing 67
Embroidery 71
Flower Arrangement 75
Knitting 78
Latch Hooking 82
Macrame 84
Miniatures 91
Needlepoint 92
Oil Painting 96
Photography 100
Plastic Canvas 103
Pressed Flowers 106
Quilling 110
Quilting 115
Rubber Stamping 120
Scrapbooking 124
Spinning 127
Stenciling 130
Tatting 133
Tole Painting 136
Watercolors 140
Weaving 142
Homemaking 147
Baking 148
Budgeting 150
Cake Decorating 153
Camping 155
Cleaning 157
Cooking 160
Fire Safety 166
First Aid 169
Food Preservation 171
Gardening 175
Health and Fitness 182
Home Decorating 187
Hygiene 189
Ironing 193
Laundry 194
Organization 196
Proverbs 31 Study for Girls 199
Scheduling 209
Sewing 214
Soapmaking 216
Knowledge and Skills 220
Biography 221
Computer. 227
Foreign Language 230
Genealogy 232
Library 236
Literature 239
Music 242
Poetry 244
Sign Language 248
Storytelling 250
Teaching 252
Typing 254
Writing 256
Nature 260
Birds 261
Butterflies 264
Flowers 268
Horses 270
Insects 273
Pets 278
Trees 281
Wildflowers 285
Others 287
Bus Worker 288
Child Care 290
Church 292
Ecology 295
Etiquette 298
Family 300
Friends 306
Grandparents 310
Hospitality 313
Letters 316
Love 320
Missionary 325
Neighbor 327
Others 330
Rest Home 332
Special Needs 334
Witnessing 338
Recreational Activities 339
Badminton 340
Bicycle 342
Croquet 346
Hiking 348
Ice Skating 352
Swimming 353
Table Tennis 354
Tennis 355
Volleyball 357
 Thanks for reading and for your help! Looking forward to getting to know you and your girls better throughout the year.

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